You are listening to "Wouldn't It Be Nice" - The Beach Boys

Thank you to all my wonderful friends
who have sent Spirit Eggs for my hatchery! :)
I can't wait to see what they have in them!!!

Thank you, Barbara, for this very special egg sitter! :)

A very special egg was sent from Chilady! Thank you!!! ;)

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Penny! Hope I get some teacups now! *S*

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, ~Sandee~!
The flowers are beautiful!!!

Oh my gosh, more eggs are wiggling and cracking!!!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Kodesmom!

Oh my, more teapots...I still need some cups!
Until then, I have plenty of curly straws,
so join me for tea!!! ;)

The hens are getting very excited!!!
There may be another hatch soon!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Mellocup9!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, ~Angel Spirit~!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Angel Bug!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Reba!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Candi & Lady Lacey!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Tiger!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Beehonee!

The Site Fights 
Thank you, Dinogirl!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Teresa!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Mellocup9!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Mellocup9!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Mellocup9!

The Site Fights Egg
Oh my gosh...twins!Thanks, Mellocup9!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Chilady!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Chilady!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Hugs!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Hugs!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Misker!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Mama3chick!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Mama3chick!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Dove!

The Site Fights Egg
This cute little fellow hatched from the black site fights egg.
Thank you, Penny!

The Site Fights Egg
Thank you, Dinogirl!


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